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Indo Expo - Denver

  • WeedLife Events created a new event

    Indo Expo - Denver

    INDO EXPO has the HomeTown advantage with an unrivaled First Quarter B2B business platform & solution. Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse: Production, Processing, Retail. Seminars, Workshops, Demonstrations. 350+ exhibitors, 1000’s of buyers, owners, master growers, decision makers and more. Join us.
    INDO EXPO has the HomeTown advantage with an unrivaled First Quarter B2B business platform & solution. Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse: Production, Processing, Retail. Seminars, Workshops, Demonstrations. 350+ exhibitors, 1000’s of buyers, owners, master growers, decision makers and more. Join us.

    Attendees: 10000+
    1000’s of buyers, owners, master growers, decision-makers and more will convene, source and shop for their needs of Production, Processing, and Retail. The INDO EXPO Trade Show welcomes all retailers and buyers, and entry is complimentary for those that pre-register by the deadline. Attendees will find the merchandise to fill the shelves of the following stores: Hydroponic, Garden, Dispensaries, Smoke, Hardware, Apparel, Gift, Jewelry & Accessories, Souvenir, Art & Glass Galleries, Ski and more.

    Exhibitors: 350+
    INDO EXPO showcases hundreds of companies, brands, and product lines, representing equipment, lighting, nutrients, greenhouses, supplies, tools, lifestyle and ancillary companies and services such as legal, HVAC, IT, packaging, labeling, security and real estate firms, staffing, HR, brokers, consultants and more.
    25th Jan, 2020 10:00AM - 26th Jan, 2020 5:00PM
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