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  • Dr. Embree created a new event

    Crystalline Codebook

    4 week event (Every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Mountain Time) The universal langue of love is math. Every human has a unique vibrational frequency. We all have a very specific purpose and when you begin to look at patterns within your own family codebook, you'll begin to understand why some relationshi...
    4 week event (Every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Mountain Time) The universal langue of love is math. Every human has a unique vibrational frequency. We all have a very specific purpose and when you begin to look at patterns within your own family codebook, you'll begin to understand why some relationships feel polarized and how to find the complementary role with every person you meet. Purchase a special journal and bring your colored pencils, we will practice mapping genetic patterns through numbers and 9 levels of frequency and flow. We will begin with vertical code and move on to the circle and 12 cranial nerve connections related to your unique vibrational signature. Watch sibling rivalry vanish. Parents may begin to see their children as divine complements and this information may be used with the circadian clock, 5 organ systems, and 5 elements. Wednesday Lives allow you to ask questions, have your code written and basically immerse in the language of love, hidden in plain site. Price covers one virtual connection. Families welcome :-)
    12th Jan, 2022 6:00PM
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