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    Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo - Boston

    Industry natives, entrepreneurs, health care providers, investors, professional and business service providers of all kinds are capitalizing on the nation’s fastest-growing industry. The United States market is estimated to top $35 billion annually by 2020, including legalized recreational and he...
    Industry natives, entrepreneurs, health care providers, investors, professional and business service providers of all kinds are capitalizing on the nation’s fastest-growing industry. The United States market is estimated to top $35 billion annually by 2020, including legalized recreational and health care sectors. The financial implications of this growth will have a positive effect on nearly every sector of the economy. The #CWCBExpo is the only business-to-business forum that focuses on educating and connecting professionals who recognize the unparalleled business opportunities within the U.S. Founded by the industry’s top thought leaders, the CWCBExpo was created with the sole purpose of providing a forum to educate and guide business leaders to succeed in this emerging market.
    23rd Oct, 2019 9:00AM - 26th Oct, 2019 3:00PM
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