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    NECANN's 2nd Annual Vermont Cannabis Convention

    With the recreational marijuana industry now a reality, the 2019 Vermont Hemp & Cannabis Convention is a MUST-ATTEND event for MMJ/Cannabis/Hemp businesses, entrepreneurs, advocates, patients, caregivers, and anyone who wants to learn, network, or get involved in the fastest growing industry in t...
    With the recreational marijuana industry now a reality, the 2019 Vermont Hemp & Cannabis Convention is a MUST-ATTEND event for MMJ/Cannabis/Hemp businesses, entrepreneurs, advocates, patients, caregivers, and anyone who wants to learn, network, or get involved in the fastest growing industry in the world! There will be 100+ exhibitors, dozens of expert speakers, demos, tons of soil & growing samples, and a full array of the latest smoking, vaping, storage, and accessories for sale at the event.
    18th May, 2019 11:00AM - 19th May, 2019 5:00PM
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